Canterbury Youth Group
If you would like your children 6th to 12th grades to get involved with the Canterbury Youth Group please contact Monica, Brigitte or the church office.
CYG is open to youth who are currently in 6th - 12th grades. Our goal is to provide the youth of St Thomas the opportunity to interact with their peers and support the church and community. We provide opportunities to have fun while fellowshipping with one another and participate in service projects within our community. We also support Community Services hours for those in high school. The annual CYG sponsored Italian Nights Dinner is our major fundraiser. The money raised supports both our local and diocesan activities. This includes a night at the movies, bowling parties, Mission trips, Night Watch and several other activists throughout the year.
In addition to the activities at St Thomas, CYG is supported by Episcopal Diocese of San Diego (EDSD) Collaborative!! This is a diocesan wide youth group. The youth that participate have been recognized throughout the diocese for participating in major events such as diocesan conventions and the Bishop Consecration. They also participate in many other activities.
Please contact Monica Walton if you would like to join Canterbury Youth Group [email protected]