Late breaking news
Online Gatherings Continue - Worship, Service, Study, and Fellowship. Confirm the schedule by checking the Saint Thomas Website for Meeting Times and sign-in information.
Service and Outreach projects underway include:
Mask-Making for Temecula Valley Hospital, organized by our Prayers and Squares team. Contact Deb Mitchell if you’d like to join this effort to provide protection for health care workers.
Meals for Project TOUCH. Project TOUCH has extended their cold-weather meal program for the duration of the COVID19 Closure. Saint Thomas provided Dinner Saturday, and is scheduled to do so again in mid-April. There are specific instructions for meal preparations, and Andrea Liesman is coordinating those efforts.
Calling Trees are keeping us connected! Steven’s Ministers and Bishop’s Committee members could use your help to see that our family ties remain strong. Contact Tom Reid or Deb Mitchell to join this vital and enjoyable work.
We need Gardeners! As you’ll see below, Easter Flowers this year will be planted in our Garden. Please contact Mother Julie to be part of brightening up our Grounds for Easter.
Holy Week begins Next Sunday
We will be mailing packets with ideas for home devotions and observations for Holy Week, printed Bulletins, and also offering additional prayer gatherings through the week. Meanwhile, we’re developing a montage for Palm Sunday, and would love to have pictures you’ve taken while hiking in this area, and pictures of you in your homes; send them please to [email protected].
And, we’d like to greet the neighbors who are walking around the Church, by letting them know Our Hearts are Open, even though the Building is Closed. We invite everyone, children of ALL ages, to draw or paint beautiful Easter eggs to be posted on the glass doors of the Church. Just mail it to the Church, and we’ll take it from there.
Easter Flower Dedications are a traditional way of honoring our loved ones, and glorifying God. This year, we will continue that tradition by inviting you to make a donation in memory of, or in thanksgiving for, family and friends. Please indicate on your Donation (Suggested $10 each) that it is for Easter flowers, and we’ll be in touch to be sure we record the dedication exactly as you wish. Rather than buying flowers for inside the Church this year, we will plant bright flowers in our front garden where they can be enjoyed by passersby, too!
Thank You to those who have forwarded their Pledges to the Church. These are challenging times for everyone financially, and we appreciate those who are able to keep their Pledges current.
TOWN HALL MEETING Friday, April 3, 6:30 P.M. immediately after Stations of the Cross at 6.
The Bishop’s Committee is eager to share what the mandated closure means for us as a Congregation, and to answer questions. PLEASE plan to join that Meeting; a Summary Report of the conversation will be prepared and distributed by mail so that we can all keep current with our congregational life.
Service and Outreach projects underway include:
Mask-Making for Temecula Valley Hospital, organized by our Prayers and Squares team. Contact Deb Mitchell if you’d like to join this effort to provide protection for health care workers.
Meals for Project TOUCH. Project TOUCH has extended their cold-weather meal program for the duration of the COVID19 Closure. Saint Thomas provided Dinner Saturday, and is scheduled to do so again in mid-April. There are specific instructions for meal preparations, and Andrea Liesman is coordinating those efforts.
Calling Trees are keeping us connected! Steven’s Ministers and Bishop’s Committee members could use your help to see that our family ties remain strong. Contact Tom Reid or Deb Mitchell to join this vital and enjoyable work.
We need Gardeners! As you’ll see below, Easter Flowers this year will be planted in our Garden. Please contact Mother Julie to be part of brightening up our Grounds for Easter.
Holy Week begins Next Sunday
We will be mailing packets with ideas for home devotions and observations for Holy Week, printed Bulletins, and also offering additional prayer gatherings through the week. Meanwhile, we’re developing a montage for Palm Sunday, and would love to have pictures you’ve taken while hiking in this area, and pictures of you in your homes; send them please to [email protected].
And, we’d like to greet the neighbors who are walking around the Church, by letting them know Our Hearts are Open, even though the Building is Closed. We invite everyone, children of ALL ages, to draw or paint beautiful Easter eggs to be posted on the glass doors of the Church. Just mail it to the Church, and we’ll take it from there.
Easter Flower Dedications are a traditional way of honoring our loved ones, and glorifying God. This year, we will continue that tradition by inviting you to make a donation in memory of, or in thanksgiving for, family and friends. Please indicate on your Donation (Suggested $10 each) that it is for Easter flowers, and we’ll be in touch to be sure we record the dedication exactly as you wish. Rather than buying flowers for inside the Church this year, we will plant bright flowers in our front garden where they can be enjoyed by passersby, too!
Thank You to those who have forwarded their Pledges to the Church. These are challenging times for everyone financially, and we appreciate those who are able to keep their Pledges current.
TOWN HALL MEETING Friday, April 3, 6:30 P.M. immediately after Stations of the Cross at 6.
The Bishop’s Committee is eager to share what the mandated closure means for us as a Congregation, and to answer questions. PLEASE plan to join that Meeting; a Summary Report of the conversation will be prepared and distributed by mail so that we can all keep current with our congregational life.